Montana GPS Settings

One of our Montana users suggested the GPS settings he prefers to use with our trail maps.

Orientation – Automotive mode 

Dashboard – Small data fields (I prefer to have no data fields covering up map)

Map Speed – Normal  ( I prefer Fast, but my actual use is limited)

Guidance Text – When Navigating

-Advanced Setup-

Auto Zoom- On

Shaded Relief- Do Not Show  (it gets to be too much)


–Zoom Levels—

(Everything at 2 miles)  ( I find if I  have it set to high like 5 mile, the display gets very crowded with info)

Land Cover-  Off

Text Size

Map Points- Small

Street Labels-Medium

User Waypoints- Small

Land Cover- None



Activity – Automotive Driving

Lock on Road- Yes  ( I normally suggest NO)

Off Road Recalculation-Automatic

Calculation Method-Minimize Distance

–Avoidance Setup–

"Toll roads" checked (that will avoid water crossing (lakes, rivers)

Check Avoid Ferry – to avoid being routed on ungroomed logging roads and off-trail paths.

Under Tracks you can set as you like rather you want to record your track, hide, or show