Log in to your MY ACCOUNT page to find a list of links to download the updated map files.
Release Notes
Snowmobile Trails Maps
NH ME VT NY QC MB MN MI (and all combinations thereof) V21.1
Version 21.0 – January 17, 2025
Changed many trails to offtrail (unmaintained) trails
Corrected some trail numbers and names
Add Mount Tom Summit trail
Twin Mountain area POI updates
Cree Notch Trail reroute
Several trail updates on ride to the Ghost Trails
Changes to many offtrail (unmaintained) trails
POI updates and additions
OsmAnd of android and Apple phones and tablets
Add install and update instructions for Apple iPhones and iPads
Version 21.0 – January 17, 2025
Many reroutes and trail refinements across the state
Focused on open trails.
Version 20.9 – January 13, 2025
Corrections and refinements – around Springville and Bryncliff’s Resort
POI and intersection updates
Remove closed Trails
Routing validation
Version 20.8 – January 10, 2025
Old Forge updates
Add a couple new Old Forge trails
Add C6 south of Deruyter
Reroute 146 in Pittsburg
Reroute 138
Reopen South Bay Trail south of
Reroute 142 in Pittsburg
Change many Pittsburg trails to Offtrail
Reroute 115 in Millsfield
Convert several trails to offtrail
Several trail naming changes
Delete some closed trails
Version 20.7 – January 2, 2025
Several trail reroutes and POI updates.
Version 20.6 – December 24, 2024
Ad 105A north of Brousseau Mountain
Move EX 8 intersection
Add Norton Store Parking
Reroute 111
Extend 6F in Newport
105 changed to 21F in West Newport, Extend to the lake
Move LE
Reroute 156 south of CA 94
223A to 15C
Delete CA 94 and CA 113
232A to 232F
Relocate WN 81
Reroute 232 south of WN 81
Reroute 216 south of WN 43
Delete WN 21
Move WN 101
Move WN 99
Validate many POIs and navigation
Correct several intersection numbers
Version 20.5 – December 20, 2024
New York
Reroute C4 Near Speakers Corner
Reroute S34B Near Fillmore
Delete S33 North of Cuba
Reroute C3B Near Lyons Corners
Reroute C2A South of Cuba
Reroute C7D and S78B near Charlesworh Corners
Reopen C4B in Camden
Reroute C4I and C4A south or West Leyden
Add S58 in Croghan
Added several POIs
Corrected several unconnected trail intersections
Overal validation and refinements
Version 20.4 – December 12, 2024
Renamed and rerouted numerous routes
Verified several POIs
POI validation
Several routing errors corrected
POI validation
Several routing errors corrected
Several Routing Corrections
Removed several closed trails
PT 14 connected from First Cranberry to File Lake
Rename and reroute several Saskatchewan trails
New Hampshire
Reroutes around Squam Lake
Corrected several Club trail names
Corrected several routing errors
Validated POIs and added URLS to several
Version 20.3 – April 5, 2023
Renamed and rerouted numerous routes|
Minor changed to POIs.
Version 20.2+ – March 16, 2023
Some minor updates in trail numbering and POI refinements
Extensive enhancements to routing, trail numbering and POIs
Version 20.2 – February 23, 2023
Many reroutes and trail renumbering in northern Maine
Corrections to several POIs.
Refined trails around Portage Lake
Redefinition of old trails to “offtrail”.
Some major routing refinements to many trails
Updates to POIs and trail naming and numbering.
Version 20.1+ – February 13, 2023
MN Minnesota
Changed trail names provided by MNDNR to trail numbers taken from online map.
Added several non-official lake crossings.
Added and refined several POIs.
Some trail precision refinements.
Version 20.1 – February 10, 2023
MN Minnesota
Extensive of MN trails based on MNDNR data.
Update POI’s to include address, Website and phone numbers for Garmin and android
Removal of obsolete POI’s
Overall navigation error validation
Version 20.0 – February 7, 2023
MB Manitoba
Reroute PT13 around Gladstone
Add Gladstone POIs
Add CT256 South of Hadashville
Reroute CT311
Refine P26 East of Manitoba Lake
Refine CT310 South of Lac St Martin
Add CT316
Reroute P26 North of Pinemuta Lake
Refine CT331
Manitoba Lake Ice PT5 Crossing rather than Bridges.
Refine CT 549
Reroute CT132, CT102
Reroute PT2 around Roblin
Reroute CT518 West of Roblin
Reroute CT670
Added several POI’s
Renaming and renumbering several trails
MI Michigan
Close LP966
Rename LP4 to LP4 76
Add LP4 along Powerlines Mancelona Twp.
Slight Reroute LP4 west of Deer Lake
Add LP379
LP3 reroute Thomsonville Road
LP7 Reroute north of Pickerel Lake
Remove LP595
Reroute LP599
Reroute LP593 in Wayland
Reroute LP182
Add UP2
Add UP115 Reroute
Reopen UP109
Added and refined several POI’s
Renaming and renumbering several trails
Version 1.99 – January 24, 2023
Several major and minor reroutes of Provincial and regional trails.
Renaming and renumbering of many trails.
Many additions and refinements of POI’s.
Trail thickness reduced to enable easier route viewing on GPS models with map theme options.
Version 1.98 – January 16, 2023
Reroute 81 along the eastern border
Renumber parts of 81 east of Ashland to 88 per MSA online map
AK 13 becomes junction AK 7
Several local trails added Around Shin Pond and Millinocket
Refine resolution of some trails
Rename trails for uniqueness
144 becomes 5 in Pittsburg
Reroute 5
New Lime Pinnacle Trails
Bog Trail Lookout
Reroute 5 in Wentworth
Open Longpond Trail
105 Reroute
Update Monroe Trails
Name south part of 103
Added French (rail) trail
Reroute 100 in South Lancaster
Reroute 7 in Colebrook
Refine resolution of some trails
Rename trails for uniqueness
- special thanks to Aaron S. for mapping assistance and tracks.
Version 1.97 – January 10, 2023
New York
Many Major Reroutes and alternative routes, additional club trails, and trail refinements across the state. Numerous additions to POI’s for restaurants, Gas Stations, Scenic Views, and intersections. Reduced trail line widths to better accommodate route lines in GPS models with Map Theme capability.
Version 1.95 1.96– February 25, 2022
NH, Maine
Some new reroutes of primary trails and club trails in southwestern NH.
Many existing trails renamed and renumbered.
Route 82 connector between NH and ME rerouted.
Reroute 18A on east side of Umbagog Lake.
Renumbered 7 and 7A in Coos county.
Change offtrail designation of several trails in Pittsburg NH.
Added several new POI’s
Version 1.94– January 31, 2022
Many reroutes and changes to both provincial and regional trails.
Added many new POI’s
Version 1.93– January 22, 2022
Many reroutes and changes to both funded and unfunded trails.
Added many new POI’s
Additional significant improvements for NY on 1/27/2022
Version 1.92– January 19, 2022
Add additional local trails.
Add several Local Trails and POI’s.
Minor reroute to 512
Add 114A
Update several intersection numbers
Minor reroute of trail 2001
Reroute 18 thru Saint Johnsbury
Changes to several intersection numbers.
Reroute 136 and 207.
Version 1.91– January 11, 2022
Add Sebec Lake Trails.
Reroute 81 Near Border.
Add several local trails and POIs
Correct naming of ITS 85 in Pittsfield.
Correct naming of several other ITS trails
Add and refine several local club trails.
Correct Misspelled Crossing
Version 1.90– January 7, 2022
Slight reroute of 21 east of Stewartstown Hollow and along South Hill Road.
Update several trail names to match NHSA map.
Make trails north of Diamond pond offtrail.
Reroute 127 north of Swift Diamond Warming hut.
Reroute 134 near Nathan Pond
Restore 112 up near Garfield Falls.
Major Reroutes to 144, 147
Updated SOS Trails
Updated from 2021 State Data
Version 1.89– February 13, 2021
Several changes to the Baker River Trail system. Reroute Corridor 24 and Primary 150 In Bridgewater
Reroute 10, 103 and 105 West of Littleton
Reroute rename trails for Corridor 20 and Primary 145
Because of an undetected error in out automated process to build our Osmand snowmobile
maps for android, maps were not being updated correctly this season. Please download and install
the android .obf files to insure you have the latest version.
Special thanks to Jim L. and Chris C. For mapping assistance.
Version 1.88 – January 3, 2021
Additional updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Major updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Version 1.87 – December 14, 2020
Major updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Version 1.86 – December 8, 2020
Major updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Version 1.85 – November 26, 2020
Major updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Version 1.84 – November 18, 2020
Major updates to major and minor trails and POI’s for 2020.
Change errant Version 1.83 – November 14, 2020
Change errant C142 to C141 in Pittsburg NH
Refine Long Pond Trail
Refine 129, add trail names to Wentworth Location
Refine 139 west of First Connecticut Lake
Add several warming huts
Photo links for several scenic outlooks
Version 1.82 – November 3 2020
Add Intersections.
Major refinements to state funded trails, local trails, and POI’s.
Version 1.81 – March 6, 2020
All States and Provinces.
Modified the windows map installer to avoid bugs in Garmin MapInstall that prevents registry based map from being downloaded to a GPS. Manual copy of .img files is still the prefereble way to install on GPS to get the combined trail and topo map view when connected to BasseCamp.
Many refinements around Shin Pond area, changing many trails to offtrail paths because grooming is being consolidated. Delete trail west of Mt Abraham at request of land Manager.
Add Aprils Maple, numerous reroutes and renaming of trails acording to Vast Map. Added and corrected many intersection map points. One more update to VT coming.
Special thanks to Dave D. for tracks and Map assistance in Maine.
Add regional 373 North
1.77 NH
Trail reroutes and additions in Littleton and Twin Mountain Mooseaulauki
Version 1.72 – November 14, 2019
Major update with 2017 and 2018 State trail reroutes. Added descriptions for many POIs for Address, web site and Phone numbers for display by OsmAnd App. Some POIs for Garmin also updated.
Version 1.71 – March 21, 2019
Decided to hide closed trails to reduce map clutter.
Many trail re-routes, edition of several club trail systems. POIs and enhancements to trail names and numbering.
Reroute of several corridor trails, refinements in trail naming, and elimination of several defunct trails.
Version 1.70 – March 8, 2019
Corrected a bug where searchable towns and other place map points were not included in the maps. Correct a defect that was preventing closed trails to be displayed. Marked an access trail to gas on Newfound lake as a “goat path”.
Corrected Corridor 5 labeling in Jefferson. Re-route of C5 near Diamond pond. Mark several trails as open south of Unbagog Lake. Refinements to several trail names. Removed several permenantly closed trails around Dorchester. Added several new POIs
Several re-routes and corridor trail labeling changes around Shin Pond and Oxbow areas. Remove trails from Katadin Woods and Waters National Monument. Indicate trail closures thru Baxter State Park. Several trail name refinements.
Special thanks for map corrections from Chris C. and Dave D. These guys will never pay for Map updates again. Also special thanks for Alexandra R. for Updates in Long Lake NY in regards to dangerous currents for ice crossings.
Version 1.69 – February 26, 2019
Corrected .gmap format for Apple Macintosh installation of trail map, including correct trail color style.
Default trail color styles changed to the wider 5 color format, both on GPS and installed into BaseCamp.
Review and update all POIs for Restaurants and Gas stations to include web address and phone numbers where available. Gas stations with Convenience Stores indicated.
Version 1.68 – February 19, 2019
Complete review of all lodging locations, now including phone numbers, web sites and street addresses where available. Marked all FCMQ Secure hotels with “FCMQ SECURE” in the name which is searchable. Stay where your sleds and truck will not be stolen. Many added POIs and several obsolete ones removed, including revised POIs for many gas station and most restaurants.
If your GPS model does not support enhanced information display when you click on a POI icon, perform a search using WHERE TO- EXTRAS- CUSTOM POIs – Category or POI. and then clock on the displayed POI icon to view phone number address and web site link. For OsmAnd app, click on Description after clicking on any POI.
Version 1.67 – February 9, 2019
Updated all VT POI’s and added descriptions for display with OsmAnd including web sites and phone numbers. Several new POI’s added, some obsolete ones removed.
Version 1.66 – February 6, 2019
“Optional Trail Colors & Styles” Windows program (and icon) installed when the Windows Installer is run.
“Custom POI Loader” Windows Program (and icon) installed when the Windows Installer is run.
Add descriptions with Address, web sites, and phone info to POI’s where available for display in OsmAnd app.
POI enhancements to Garmin maps.
Maxspeed set to 20mph for more realistic calculation of travel time. Ride faster and get there faster.
Added some POI’s for Lodging, marked some as defunct.
Add memorable names to several trails, Intersection splits.
Disambiguate POI names. eg, “Subway” to “Subway – Dover-Foxcroft”.
Added several restaurants in Rangely
Run automated Error and consistency checks
Remove single point bridge indicators, display as vectors. (OsmAnd only)
Run automated Error and consistency checks
Intersection splits.
Corrected many disconnected intersections causing routing errors.
Added references to bridges.
POI descriptions for OsmAnd app.
Comprehensive update of all POIs for Food, Gas and Lodging with contact information
Added many new POIs and removed some obsolete ones.
Version 1.65 – January 15, 2019
Added back descriptions for Gas, Restaurants and Lodging for web sites, phone numbers and addresses for OsmAnd app.
Added Moose River trail – Old Forge.
Refinements and some season long trail closures.
Refine 134 thru the Balsams.
Refine C18 thru Coleman State Park
Some more descriptive trail names
Added The Glenn@Beartree trail and lodging POI
Added several Local trails in Rangeley
Added Mountain Star Estate POI
Add POI for in town public Restroom
ITS 115 refinements south of Flagstaff Lake
ITS 82 refinements in Milo
Added .gmapi files to micro-sd and downloaded ZIP to install trails-only map to Mac computers
Depreciated OsmAnd online trail map .metainfo files from download. Maps may not be updated.
Added installation text file on micro-sd card and downloaded zip files.
Retired part of the windows installer to copy files to micro-sd card or GPS.
Version 1.64 – Lost notes
Version 1.63 – March 13, 2018
Numerous reroutes of provincial and regional trails, refinements of many existing trails, addition of POIs and removal of some old POI’s.
Version 1.62 – March 3, 2018
Several additions and trail refinements to NH and ME.
Several minor changes around Stinson Lake, Sunapee, Baker River Valley.
Special thanks to Jim L. and Chris C. for sharing tracks and map corrections.
Version 1.61 – Feb 17, 2018
Corrected a problem on Garmin maps where the trail number chevrons were displaying trail numbers on primary and secondary trail twice.
This cluttered the map unnecessarily at some zoom levels.
Some very minor trail updates to ME.
Added a new map style for OsmAnd app that highlights contour lines while still displaying 5 color style for trails. Uploaded 2/19/2018. File named Snowmobile5color_TOPO.xml.
Version 1.60 – Feb 16, 2018
Refine 85-86 thru Millinocket.
Added Tim Pond Cabins restaurant and rentals
Refine 113 Near Rice Corner
ITS 81 Reroute.
Several other coridor trail reroutes.
Added many additional club trails.
Refined the unique naming of many club trails
Added and refined many POI’s.
Special Thanks to Dave D., Dan D, Brad K., James S., Jim L., and Chris C. for sharing tracks and map corrections.
Version 1.59 – Feb 2, 2018
(OsmAnd updated 2/5/2018 – added moving trail number signs for primary and secondary trails to improve trail identification for NH ME VT NY QC)
Split all intersections to improve routing turn indications.
Refine several intersection POIs
Create more meaningful and memorable names for club trails using nearby geographic features,
Perform exhaustive validation testing of points and lines.
Added many new POIs, validated and refined existing ones to add phone numbers, addresses and web links where available.
Add contact info, phone, address and web links to several POIs
Version 1.58 – Jan 31, 2018
Reroute ITS 89 Near Lake Parlin and Owls Head Mountain
Added POIs to Jackman
Added many miles of club trails in northeastern Maine
Updates the Saco club trails with many reroutes
Reroute of ITS 80 in north Freyburg
Refinements to many trails
(special thanks to Jim L., James S. for tracklog sharing)
Version 1.57 – Jan 26, 2018
This is a major feature release impacting all our Garmin snowmobile trail maps, and or Snowmobile trail maps of OsmAnd on android devices.
The map now includes searchable named places map points, and a custom POI file for Garmin units.
Named places include things like cities, towns, villages, hamlets, islands, suburbs, and perhaps more. Place name show up nicely as annotated text over the map that scales with population size and zoom levels on OsmAnd. They show up in Garmin BaseCamp and MapSource as icons. Search by spelling the name is most likely to find places you know the name of such as towns.
Access to custom poi files can be found using WHERE TO – EXTRAS – CUSTOM POI – SNOWMOBILE XX Places (where XX is replaced by the state or province abbreviation).
The list returned may be distance limited. To increase your chanced of finding a place, use the SPELL button.
Place names are stored on the trail map, so they can be searched independent of whether you have a basemap enabled.
Use of the custom POI file seems to be more able to find smaller population places like small towns than does search for cities on Garmins.
Version 1.56 – Jan 13, 2018
Second Major update for this season. Many trail additions, corrections and new POIs.
Please update any map set including NY if you intend to ride NY.
Version 1.55 – Jan 6, 2018
This is a major update affecting New York snowmobile trail map. You should update any mapset that includes NY. It corrects a significant number of errors caused by defects in state supplied data that were impacting the automatic routing function. It also includes reroutes and additions for the 2017/18 season. Some of the changes are listed below. Please update your maps if they include NY.
Add S75 south of Beaver Lake.
Reroute C8 north of Beaver River
Eliminate S87 and S85 North or Soft Maple Res
Eliminate S82 on Bear Pond Truck Trail
Add S54 Northwest of Taylorville Pond
Minor refinement to S581 south or Sand Pond
Minor reroute S79 north of Brantingham Lake
C7B Refinements
Reroute C8B northeast of Lyons Falls
Refinements to C4 West of Hinckley Reservoir
Convert Local Trail to C7R in Oneida
S71A converted to Offtrail
S71A to C7R in Barneveld
Add S59 in Oneida
C7 Reroutes East of Munn
Add Tailwater Lodge and Schoolhouse Lodging in Altmar
Added Pine Junction Restaurant in Sherman
Reroute C5 and S50D in Altmar
Reroute S52 Southwest of Chautaugua Lake
Added Lake Effect Trailblazers clubhouse in Sinclairville
C1D reroute in Gerry – No bridge crossing
Add C2 South East of Cherry Creek
Reroute C1A Around Aldridge Hill
Reroute Trails around Cherry Creek
Reroute S14 in Randolf
Eliminated many Errors and disconnects. Added several new POI’s.
Version 1.54 – March 9, 2017
Corrected erroneous note of location of maps for Montana in the GPSmaploader install script. They go in the /Garmin folder.
Corrected trail names for ITS 83, ITS 85 and ITS 81-85
Refined and added several Maine Trails, and added and refined more POI’s.
Removed the unnecessary top level folder in the ZIP file downloads.
Corrected northern extent of P23
Osmand in Android
Updated in the newer version of Osmand on android. All map updates have been updated to this new format.
Thanks to Dave D. , Tom M., Jim L. for tracks, assistance and map corrections
Version 1.53 – February 10, 2017
Added enhanced information for all Maine Gas Stops and convenience stores. Reroutes to ME 86 88, 88A .
Refined and added several Maine Trails, and added and refined numerous POI’s.
Version 1.52 – February 7, 2017
Added Vermont Corridor C102/98C
Added Lancaster Fairground POI in NH
Quebec map – Corrections to trail into Quebec from Pittsburg
Add enhanced contact info for VT Gas stations. Add additional POIs.
VT visual bridges for OsmAnd app on android.
Split more trails for better spoken navigation instructions in VT.
Added many additional POIs in VT.
Version 1.51 – February 1, 2017
Added enhanced POI data to New York gas stations and convenience stores
Added many POIs for restaurants and hotels and Gas station in NY, especially in Old Forge and Lake George areas.
Several small trail refinements in NY
NH – Corrected C17A around Bow Lake Added West side Alton Bay Trail
Version 1.50 – January 16, 2017
Trail and POI additions and refinements to Quebec
Trail and POI refinements to Maine, and New Hampshire.
Convenience stores listed in POI Food category.
Version 1.49 – January 6, 2017
New Hampshire
Reroute C24 in Bridgewater.
Add southern crossings into Maine (ice conditions permitting)
Closure or C22 in Ossippee
Added contact into to Gas POI’s
Refinements to several trails.
Updated many POI’s and added contact into to gas POI’s and convenience stores
Added southern crossings into NH (ice conditions permitting)
Added many minor trails and refinements to many more.
Updated *.obf files but sqlitedb and online tiles not yet updated.
Version 1.48 – December 22, 2016
All snowmobile trail maps
Added phone, website URL’s and address (where available) for all Lodging, Restaurant and many Fuel POI’s
Many new POI’s added, and outdated ones removed.
Note: not all GPS models can display this information for map icons. Most GPS model can display it from WHERE TO? – EXTRAS – CUSTOM POIs.
OsmAnd on Android maps can display it from a clicked map point by using the SHOW Description button.
Clicking on sections of the show description text can open a phone number in your dialer, or open a website. (Internet access required)
This additional data can be useful for checking a website for menu items, lodging rates, or to call ahead to make reservations and verify open status.
Add Northeast Carry Road trail North or North Bay
Many major and minor trail updates
Many major and minor trail updates
Added one lake crossing NY to VT over Lake Champlain
New Hampshire
Many major and minor trail updates
Added Stone Warming hut at Stinson Mountain trail system
Updates to Moultonborough Club trail system.
New York
Many major and minor trail updates
Added one lake crossing NY to VT over Lake Champlain
Osmand on Android NH ME VT
.obf vector files have been updated for new description information and trails, but SQLITE raster maps not yet updated.
SQLITE raster maps will be updated in a few days. This page will be updated.
Free Online SledMap.
Not yet updated, will be in a few days. This page will be updated
Version 1.47 – February 4, 2016
Added border crossings into Quebec
Refine ITS 92
Split more trails to improve announcements at trail intersections.
New Hampshire
Added border crossings into Quebec
Indicate reopening of C22 in Ossipee
Refine some trails in Coos
Split more trails to improve announcements at trail intersections.
Added border crossings into Quebec
Added several POI’s in Derby
Trail refinements in Derby
Add several small club trails in NEK
Initial release of Quebec Snow trail map for Garmin, and NH ME VT NY QC snowmobile trail map for Garmin.
Removed outdated help files from the windows installer program.
Re-organization of custom POI files by State/Province.
POI’s limited to purchased States/Provinces.
Thanks to Norman B. for validation tracks.
OsmAnd on Android
Note: Availability or routing trail map for OsmAnd on Android will be announced here a a later time.
Version 1.46 – Released 12/15/2015
Add east-west trail north of Kezar Lake Maine.
Refine ITS 80 North or Stearns Pond.
Added Hawk Mountain Trail and scenic overlook.
Added Highland Lake crossing and Highland Lake Resort.
Added Several South Bridgeton Trails and Lake Crossings.
Add several trails around Damariscotta Lake.
Refine ITS 15, 115
Many club trail refinements and additions.
Added Miss Wakefield Diner POI.
Added 7 Lakes – Lakes Run Trail.
Added Woodman NH Gas and Restaurant POIs.
Refine 19, alt 19 and several club trails in Conway NH.
Trail name refinements Twin Mountain NH.
Added Cascade Alpine Scenic Waterfall POI and trail in Berlin NH.
Closure of the Groveton Covered Bridge.
Added legal offtrail (ATV) trails in Jericho State Park.
Added Wolfboro Dock Access Trail
Added Mount Major Trail, Scenic outlook
Refine 22 in Alton
Refine and add trails in Pawtuckaway State Park.
Add P399
Added Corridor 91 and services trail and POIs in Bradford VT.
Add several POIs and club level trails.
Reroute C12
Add 9F East of Harriman Reservoir
Reroute 8 Guilford
Add several Guilford Pitstoppers club trails.
Reroute C30 East of Lake Bomoseen
Add C31 approximated.
Add 30~ around Lake St. Catherine Golf Course
Add Herrick Mountain trail.
Add several Poultney Snowdevils trails.
Refine C7 in Healdville.
Add several secondary trails.
Add several POIs for food, parking and lodging.
Osmand Maps RELEASED on 1/4/2016
Thanks to Bill P., Randy V., Glenn M.
Version 1.45 – Released 4/3/2015
Reroute ME ITS 90, 112
Refine ITS83A 85, 83-90,105, 79, 81, 100, 100A, 94, 81-85
Connect NH 19 and 22 in Ossipee, Remove inaccessible gas.
Trail name refinements.
Thanks to James S., Tom M., Chris C., Jeff W., Aaron S., Jim L., Mike D., Norman B., Randy V.
Version 1.44 – Released 4/6/2015
Refine and rename club trails around Millinocket Maine
ITS 89 reroute
Added Otisfield Trail Blazers Club trails
Refine NH C6 around Lake Horace
Added Club trails north and south of Bow Lake
Added Lakes run between Lee NH and West Nottingham.
NH C17 reroutes and refinements
Thanks to Jeff W., Chris C., Doug D.
The routing trail map for OSMAND was updated to V44 on 3/6/2015.
Version 1.43 – Released 2/27/2015
Corridor 24 Reroute in Boscawen
NH 126 Reroute
Refine NH C5, C2 in Cannan
Refine C11 in Jefferson Notch, north or Plymouth and through Franconia Notch
Refine NH P155 Ellsworth
Refine some Twin Mountain Trails
Added many Gas and Food stops in NY.
Added several club trails south of Sebago Lake Maine.
Add nice club trail east of Millinocket, Refined ITS 83 and added gas in East Millinocket.
Added club trail east of Matagamon Wilderness
No VT changes.
Thanks to Norman B., James S., Chris C., Mike D.,
Version 1.42 – Released 2/27/2015
Added new NH Southern New Hampshire Snow Slickers Trail (SNSS)
Refine ME ITS 81 north of Grand Falls Plantation
Resolution refinements to ITS 83, 84, and 104
Refinements and reroute for logging, NH Nash Stream area.
Added East Cowen Hill Trail in Pittsburg.
Minor trail refinements in NY, added several Food and Gas POIs.
VT and NH – add names to several covered bridge attractions.
Added and refined trails Around Pawtuckaway Lake and Great Bay in NH
Refine and Reroute ME 105 in Linneus ME
Added several club trails around Presque Isle
Reroute 83 Bypass trail
Added Several Club trails in ME, the Country
Added Island Falls town trail and Gas stop
Refine ITS 83
Thanks to Norman B., Mike D. , John R. , John A.
Version 1.41 – Released 2/8/2015
Refine C13 and club trails in Hollis and Brookline NH
Add several small club trails in Wilton NH
Refinements or Rindge, Marlborough, Dublin NH trails
Refinements Around Sebago ME, added Hancock Road trail and ice crossing of Hancock Lake .
Refined C80 curves on power lines northeast of Kezar Lake.
Refinements Around NH Bear Brook state Park and Barnstead and Loudon
OamAnd maps are still at V39. Update will be announced here when V41 is available.
Thanks to Brad K. , Norman B. for track contributions and corrections.
Version 1.40 – Released 1/22/2015
Added Interstate Crossing between Monroe NH and McIndees Falls VT
Added VT 159F
Added several isolated VT trails out past the Big lake
Added several VT restaurant POIs
Closure of club trail off NH C17 in Barnstead
Created more meaningful and memorable names on many unnamed NH Club Trails
Added Gas in NH Pittsfield on US28
Add ME trails north east of Sebago
Added several miles of ME offtrail north of Flagtaff Lake
Added some more memorable trail names in ME
Added ME Acadia National Park trail system
Added new NH Shatley Mountain Connector trail in the ‘Burg
Added Saco ME club trails
Removed Bridges from POI file – reworking display
Created NY Trail map with 10887 miles of trails!
Thanks to Brad K., James S., John P., Chris C. and Doug D. for tracks and assistance.
Version 1.39 – Released 11/26/2015
Update Custom POI file to differentiate snowmobile and ATV POIs.
Add VT C125
Extend 12F2 to Bridgewater and added several other Bridgewater Trails
Add VT Woodford SnowBusters Club Trails
Added VT 2F2 in Lunenburg
Added Lunenburg VT to Whitefield NH crossing
Added a couple minor trails on NH and ME
Added support for Automatic Interstate Routing!
Direct install to GPS now includes free integrated NE Topographical map
Note: Direct copy maps to GPS main drive does not work on newer GPS models that store the maps in the /Map folder instead of the /Garmin folder. It does work to any micro-sd drive.
Version 1.39 Released 11/26/2015
Update Custom POI file to differentiate snowmobile and ATV POIs.
Add VT C125
Extend 12F2 to Bridgewater and added several other Bridgewater Trails
Add VT Woodford SnowBusters Club Trails
Added VT 2F2 in Lunenburg
Added Lunenburg VT to Whitefield NH crossing
Added a couple minor trails on NH and ME
Added support for Automatic Interstate Routing!
Direct install to GPS now includes free integrated NE Topographical map
Note: Direct copy maps to GPS main drive does not work on newer GPS models that store the maps in the /Map folder instead of the /Garmin folder. It does work to any micro-sd drive.
OsmAnd map has not been updated as yet. This notification will be updated when it is available.
Version 1.38 Released 3/21/2014
Added Club Trails around Moose Pond ME
Refined ITS 80 West of Kezar Lake
Added some trails near Evans Notch, Bethel and Rumford ME.
Added Eagle Cliff Trail at Stinson Mountain, designate Annie’s trail as off-trail.
Refinements to C5, P120 in NH.
Add several hundred miles in VT.
Reroute ITS 80 near Little Moose Pond.
Added several NH and ME club Trails, map points.
Thanks to Chris C., Norman B., Michael D., Doug P. for mapping assistance.
Version 1.37 Released 3/6/2014
Added several hundred miles in western VT
Added Quill Mountain scenic view point and trail in ME
Corrected trail names and numbers around Rangeley and Eustis ME
ITS 89 reroutes
Added several ME club Trails
Reroute ITS 85-86 off of Scammon road in Greenville.
Major updates to custom POI file. Added new POIs for NH and VT and ME
Added all intersections to VT map.
Added all cell tower POIs to VT.
Added all snowmobile bridges NH ME VT.
Automate creation of Custom POI file so it is automatically updated.
The NH ME VT Snowmobile trail map for OsmAnd was also updated 3/10/2014 to V1.37 as well.
Thanks to Dave D., John A., Doug P. , Chris A. for their help and suggestions.
Version 1.36 Released 2/21/2014
Add more trail miles in VT
Added club trails from Bridgton to Naples, Long Lake and north
Added Cabot’s Lodge in Lancaster.
Minor Reroute and refinements of NH C17 and in Barnstead
Added local access club trails and ice crossing Ashuelot Lake NH.
NH P392 P393 P386 P380 C5 refinements
Add club trails around Lake Sunapee NH
SVSR Trail names added. C17 Reroute.
Thanks to Norman B., Doug P., Glenn R., Arnie P., John P., Mike M. for track logs and mapping assistance.
Version 1.35 Released 2/15/2014
Add Railroad bed trail between Fryeburg and Sebago Lake in ME and several local club trails.
Added and refined trails around Mt. Kearsarge NH.
Refined several corridor trails routes in Northern NH.
Added trails around Square Pond.
Refinements around primary 361 in NH.
Add powerline trails and refine C4 southwest of Mount Moosilauke NH.
Refinements around the Dams in Hopkinton NH.
Refine NH 5 between Cannan and Grantham.
Reroute 110 connector across Lake Parlin ME.
Refine 117 curves in Mexico ME, add gas stop.
Reroute 117 and 84 in south of Rangeley Lake.
Added some off-trail south or Rangeley.
Add a few trails in southeastern VT.
Special thanks to Woody R., Norman B., Mike D., Jens-Achim F., Jon A., Scott G. and Scott S. for track logs and mapping assistance.
Version 1.34 Released 2/4/2014
Added trails in Granville Vermont
Corrected ITS 89 around Toothaker Pond. Added 10B club trail.
Added hundreds of additional miles in West Central Vermont.
Minor Re-routes of ITS 83, and addition of some club trails around Island Falls ME.
Reroute 84-89 east of Rangeley Lake.
Added several Club trails and POI’s south of Flagstaff Lake
Reroute ITS 83 East of Sherman.
Major reroute of ITS 85 and 85A south out of Matagamon.
Thanks to Scott S., Dave D, Tom B., Dennis K..
Version 1.33 Released 1/29/2014
Added club trails around Moose Pond and Sebago Lake Maine.
Added several hundred miles in Vermont.
Thanks to Norman B., Doug P., Kevin J., Peter J., James M., Arnie P., Linda B., and Jim M. for track logs and assistance.
Version 1.32 Released 1/22/2014
Added Pittsburg NH off-trail Magalloway Mountain Roads and fire tower goat path.
Added new Pittsburg Coon Brook Bog Club trail. (112 extension)
Resolution refinements around Berlin NH.
Minor Refinements around Baker River trails.
Hundreds of miles of trails added to the VT.
Corrected Corridor 11 routing west of Newfound Lake.
Several minor refinements of trails in NH and additional on-trail services.
Trail refinements around Allenstown and Milton NH.
Added some Club Trails north of Ossippee Lake NH.
Special Thanks to Brad K., Nigel C., Pemigewassett groomers, Doug P., Pat T, Charles R, and several clubs and riders from VT who contributed tracks and guidance.
Version 1.31 Released 1/6/2014
Several hundreds of miles of additional trails added to Vermont, heading west and south of the NEK.
Many refinements and corrections to trails in the Vermont NEK.
Added some off-trail play areas in Pittsburg NH. Ride at your own risk and obey all signs.
Added many miles of off-trail routes in northwestern Maine.
Several additional club trails added around Rangeley Maine.
Minor corridor reroute in Oquossoc Maine.
Some minor reroutes in Mid-state NH.
Special thanks for help from Dave B., John P, Sean M. and Dave G.
Note: the Osmand Maps for Android have not yet been updated to V1.31 yet. Hopefully in a couple days.
Version 1.30 Released 11/1/2013
Short reroute of NH C24 in Hardy Country Trails. Change some off-trail to club trails.
Add several trail names to Hardy Country trails
Small changes and additions in NH Cardigan Lyme Area
Clarify NH 138 140
Added several Club Trails and waypoints Belgrade Lakes ME
Added club trails in Bridgeton Maine
Thanks to Chris C.
Version 1.29 Released 3/23/2013
Refinements in Caribou and Presque Isle ME
Refine ME 83B
Add Club Trail 75 East of Scopan Lake
Add club trail east of 70A
Add part of Club 81A
Refine ITS 85, 92
Add several miles of ME offtrail loops
Mark NH P155
Thanks to Ryan A., Chris C.
Version 1.28 Released 3/15/2013
NH added trail to gas south of the Louden Race track.
Add NH Sunrise Lake Trail
Short reroute of NH C17 in Snow-shakers system.
Short NH C22 Reroute east of Manning Lake
Changed trail number from C153 to C156 Warren to Woodstock. NHSA map is wrong.
Add Donkey Hill Cutoff trail at Stinson Mountain.
Add several NH Gas stops and parking areas.
Refine P204
Refine NH 110, C19, C22 C17, P156 Powdergreen Trails.
Check for map updates comes to this page.
Restore colors for offtrail (orange) and ice crossings (red/white pattern)
Added several offtrail logging roads in Success.
ME – fix routing disconnect between 74 and 105, refine both
Major reroute of ME ITS 81 south or Presque Isle.
Refine ME 88
Changed default map color to 5 Color Thin. Night mode of this is high contrast Cyan color.
Thanks to John P., Dave D., Chris C., Ryan A/
Version 1.27 Released 3/1/2013
Add Kelloway Trail and Brad’s bypass in western ME
Refine 84-89 east of Rangeley Lake
Added some club trails in NH and ME
Reroute C11 in NH Hardy Country and wind generator trail changes
Add trail to Gas at Newfound Lake.
Add NH border cut extreme off-trail path – Riding may trigger drone strikes
Refine NH 12 southwest of Success
New ice crossing Merrymeeting Lake.
Reroute 15 and 15A in Glimington
C17 reroute around pond southeast or Barnstead
NH C15~ refined based on aerial photos, west and south of the speedway.
Added “the cut” offtrail northernmost NH.
Reroute Catamount trail south of Barnstead NH.
Major map points begin display at resolution 21 in MapSource.
Thanks to Brad K., Chris C., John P.
Version 1.26 Released 2/21/2013
Refine NH 12
Refine some Jericho trails
Refine 19 and 19A South of Jericho
Added some off-trail in Pittsburg East.
Added Bee Hole Beaver Club trails in Chichester
Refine 15 north of Chichester, and 360 southeast
Add C6 power line trail in Dunbarton NH
Refine C11 along power lines in Dunbarton and Goffstown
Refine C8 railroad tracks
Refine C2 in Lebanon
Reroute 134 over Dixville Peak
Refine ME route 66
89 Reroute west of Webb Lake
115 – 83 naming corrections
89 refinements
87 refinement
Refine 82
Several ME trail number corrections
Add some offtrail loops north of Flagstaff Lake
Thanks to Chris C. and Dave D., Jon A., John P.
Version 1.25 Released 2/15/2013
Revert all VT secondary trails to Primary trails
Properly name VT corridor trail 1
Some cleanup of NH 19 along the ME border.
Rename 83 to 80 on Me NH Border to correspond to ITS 1012 map
Corrected several truncated NH map point map names
Eliminated C and P prefix to NH Corridor and Primary trails
~ symbol next to trail name or number indicates approximated trail
Reroute NH C12
Corrected trail number for NH P300 near Franklin.
Increase ME 85-86 resolution
Increase ME 81 resolution
Increase resolution ME 90 through Caribou
Refine ME 105, 83A thru Presque Isle
Add off-trail ~ to B52 Crash site
85 Reroute
Add 86
Refine 62A, 112
Repair couple trail disconnects near Presque Isle ME
Thanks to Rick F., Ryan A. for Corrections.
Version 1.24 Released 2/1/2013
Route Avoidance for all off-trail, Check FERRY AVOIDANCE
Refine ME 88
Refine resolution of ME Route 66
Refine ME 85-86 north of First Roach Pond
Refined the Katahdin Loop Trail at Moosehead Lake
Refined ME 122.
Refined ME Matagamon trail
Add ME Club trail west of Lunksoos Lake
89 Refinement.
87 Reroute south of Long Pond
Add one offtrail loop at Parlin Pond.
Corrected and refined 89 southwest of Sebago Lake.
Refine Quill Pond Connector.
Extend VT 100 from LE 11 to Edens Country Junction
Refine VT 102, 102A, 102F
Special thanks to Brad K., John P., Jon A.
Version 1.23 Released 1/23/2013
Route Avoidance for all off-trail, Check FERRY AVOIDANCE
Reroute or 105 northwest of Norton VT
Correct 5 west of Lake Willoughby VT
Refine NH C21A West Stewartstown
Refine NH C3A
Added several gas restaurant pub repair and scenic outlooks.
Refine VT 114 and 114A
Refine 5 and C2-5 east of Darling State Park.
Added VT 14A~ south west or Newport.
Added VT 14 south of Derby Lake.
Added Derby Gas and Cow Palace restaurant.
Refine VT 135.
Corrected VT 52 in East Burke
Refine 54A.
ME – resolution refinements around Coburn Mountain and 87 Southeast of Parlin Pond.
Refine resolution on ME 89 east of Coburn Mountain.
Added some irresistible off-trail loops south of Coburn Mountain.
Added some off-trail loops west of Parlin Pond.
Refine resolution of 84 southeast of Bingham ME.
Added off-trail cross lakes ride in the Allagash wilderness to the Locomotives at Eagle Lake,
Add new Parmechenee Connector trail at Bosebuck
Corrected 84.
Refine NH C12, C19, C19A thru Berlin
Special thanks to Ken K.
Version 1.22 Released 1/3/2013
Added some off trail loops and trails in Pittsburg NH
Added Magalloway Bowl trail and map point, Pittsburg NH.
Refined off trail routes in north west Maine
Refine switchbacks of Castle in the Clouds Trails
Refine C15 South of White Lake
Extensive trail additions to VT – Orleans County southwest of Memphremagog (thanks John P.)
Corrected VT 15 Rail in West Danville.
Resolution enhancements VT.
Corrected trail names of several trails previously labeled as “secondary”
Changed trail types for all VT trails to secondary type trails instead of all primary.
VT – Refined and renamed several Rail Trails including.
Added VT 127 Rail trail.
Special Thanks to John P., Brad K.
Version 1.21 Released 12/1/2013
Replace approximated 89 in southwest Maine to 10x resolution along power lines
Remove 101 Approximation southwest of Saint Stephen.
Refined 84 south of Big Lake.
Refine 103 south of West Grand Lake
Refine 84 south of Pocumcus Lake.
Refine 105 north of Sysladobsis Lake.
Refine 83 East of Cedar Lake.
Connect 111 and 83 at PT10.
Add 105 Northwest of Grand Lake.
Add 105~ West of Hodgdon.
Added 144~ north of Houlton.
Many Refinements to VT trail resolution and addition of several new trails.
Reroute C19 in Milan and indicate closed trails
Special thanks to Larry G., and Wayne G., James R.
Version 1.20 Released 11/1/2013
Too many refinements and improvements to list.
Version 1.19 Released 3/1/2012
Refine C13 and C6 in Bennington NH.
Refined P380 in Bradford NH.
Added P390 in New London NH.
Integrate State borders with all map variations.
Extend P105 in Twin Mountain.
Added railroad tracks trail in Lancaster NH,
Refinements in Nash Stream including C7.
Added scenic overlook trail in Baker River system.
Fine tune trail curves in Baker River NH using aerial photography.
Reroutes, renaming of trails and refinements in the Forks and Piston Farms ME.
Added Johnson Brook Road trail.
Name and refine Route 66 and Northeast Carry trails in ME.
Refine ITS 81 & 85.
Refine ITS 112 approximation.
Refined 114, 83A
Add Jericho Mountain Warming hut and Scenic View trail.
Refine C12 Berlin to ME.
Refine P114, P128 & Skyway Trail Near Errol NH.
Version 1.18 Released 2/23/2012
Add and refine many miles of trails in Maine.
Reroute and refine ITS 89 to the Canadian border.
Correct name of ITS 88 and refine.
Added Piston Farm Trail
Corrections to trail disconnects interfering with routing at Stinson MT NH.
Make Trail 142 in Pittsburg show up.
Added several club trails in Norway Maine.
Added Fox Glenn Trails in Maine.
Added Mexico Maine Connector Trails
Corrected several disconnected trails at Stinson Mountain and Pittsburg
Thanks to Dave D., Brad K., Chris C., Leon A. for their submissions of track logs and trail corrections.
Version 1.17 Released 2/15/2012
Trail refinements in Pittsburg. Add trail P 142 and a few club trails.
Fixed a couple of trail disconnects preventing routing in Pittsburg.
Fixed trail disconnect preventing routing in Stinson Mountain trails. One trail deletion, one reroute.
Added new club trails in Errol
Additions to gas stations in NH.
C19 reroute in Errol.
Refinement of ITS 87 in ME.
Version 1.16 Released 2/3/2012
Many trail additions and refinements to NH based on aerial photography.
Changed all states multi-numbered trail names from 6/15 style to 6&15 style so spoken directions speak the second number correctly. “C Six and fifteen”.
Corrections to several unconnected trail intersections in all states that blocked routing.
Make KTS intersections searchable.
Avoiding Ice Crossings by checking Toll Roads in V1.15 was broken. Fixed in V1.16
Version 1.15 Released 1/31/2012
Auto routing is now supported in Garmin MapSource and BaseCamp, as well as in your GPS. The routing trail maps can be combined with any non-routing map for download to your GPS. Use the routing tool to create custom routes, document your favorite trail loop or extended trips, and then download them to your GPS. There is now only a single version of all maps, and they all route. Using Mapsource, you can view a list of turn by turn directions, and calculate mileage along snowmobile trails. Occasionally you may see a route take an unexpected path, one that seems like the long way around. This is usually caused by a trail not being actually connected. Zoom in real close and see if you see a break in the trail line. Even a microscopic break will cause the route to be avoided. You can route over this manually for a short distance to complete the route. Simply create a new routing point just past where the line is broken Please mark the break location with a waypoint, save it in a .gpx file and email it to us. This will assist us in eliminating these hard to find defects. Interstate routing is not supported because the trails between states overlap but do not actually intersect. To plan an interstate ride, route to the state border, draw a small off-road route segment over the line break and then continue auto routing to destination. This can be done in your GPS or with MapSource.
For those wishing to use the routing trail map in conjunction with a routing highway map while driving, MapSource has a switch that allows you to disable download of routing data with the trail map. Look on the bottom left hand side of the screen when you have selected maps to download. You can still view the snowmobile trails while you are being routed by highway. A fun way to find out where trails are near the highways you drive!
The pink route indicator shows up better now below a trail. You may have to zoom in a bit closer if it is a very long route. Zoom in and out quickly to make it flash for a short time while the map is being redrawn. After a snowmobile route is calculated, you can shut off the snowmobile trail map and still see the pink route clearly all by itself. Once a snowmobile trail route is calculated, you can turn on routing highway maps to view them as you ride. You will still be routeed by snowmobile trail until you complete the route or stop routing. Turn off any routing highway maps before you calculate the next trail route, or it will route you by highway. Routes downloaded from MapSource, must be imported into your GPS using GPS commands. Consult your GPS documentation.
Added several trail reroutes due to logging operations in Pittsburg NH
Added specific club trails names and intersections to the KTS trail system..
Many trail refinements to Maine trails especially in the Rangely Lakes area.
Many trail refinements and additions throughout NH and ME due to use of higher resolution satellite and aerial photographs.
Help files in the kit updated to what is on the website, with some changes to reflect new functionality. More updates planned for the next release with a focus on using routing in MapSource.
MapSource Manage Map Products Version is now correct for each map.
State boundaries can now optionally be download to the GPS. useful for interstate routing.
Several types of map points, (gas, food, hotels) are automatically translated to searchable POI’s. They are organized as the defaults are for your GPS model, not in the same fashion as they are in the Custom POI tables.
New automation allows us to turn around trail changes very quickly. Send us your trail changes, names, POI’s etc and we will get them back to you in an updated map quickly.
Maps in Apple Macintosh format have been retired. Too much manual labor for too few sales. We will continue to support existing customers. New distribution of updates on micro-sd and swaps should allow Mac users to get updates
Special Thanks to Brad K., Leon A., Dick C., Paul D., Doug D. for submission of track logs, waypoints and guidance to correct and refine the trails on the map.
Version 1.14 Released 4/6/2011
This map update was free to all previous customers regardless of when the purchased their map.
Added autorouting version of New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont snowmobile trail maps that can be directly downloaded to GPS.
Use the Start -> ALL Programs->BackwoodsGPStrails->Snowmobile Trail Maps->Download autorouting Map to GPS windows command. (this is still available, but optional since all maps are routing).
Mac users. Please send email to rick@backwoodsGPstrails.com to get autorouting version for your GPS.
Added Haystack Mountain trail south of Stub Hill.
Added parking lot and access trail northeast of Happy Corners in Pittsburg.
Added Club Trail to White Horse Ledge and South Moat mountain near Echo Lake State Park (west of North Conway)
Added club trail east of US route 16 from Corridor 26 north towards Sanbornville.
Added Hillbilly Pub waypoint Conway Area.
Refined Corridor 19 North From Conway to Shelburne and restored reciprocal parts of the trail to NH map.
Added club trail between Corridor 11 and 5 in Jefferson south of US Route 2.
Added several waypoints for gas, and scenic views
Hillbilly Pub restaurant
J’s Corner restaurant Gorham
Jefferson Notch Motel
Mount Martha Lookout Tower
Waterwheel restaurant, US Route 2 Jefferson
Added Corridor 17 Reroute from Northwood Lake south to Corridor 6/15.
Refined Primary 360 crossing of Northwood Lake.
Refined Primary 171 crossing of Northwood Lake.
Refined Pawtuckaway Lake trail.
Added Trail to A Path Less Traveled Lodging connecting to P140.
Refined Primary 141 in Pittsburg.
Refined Corridor 20 in Pittsburg.
Added Trail to along US Route 3 to the Buck Rub Pub.
Added Ice Crossing – First Connecticut Lake.
Refined Primary 132 east of Diamond Pond.
Deleted defunct trail between Badger Lane and Cunningham Pond Road (KTS system).
Refined KTS trail 6A.
Thanks to Chris C., John P., Peter K., Dave D., and the Kearsarge Trail Snails for corrections and contributions of tracks logs and waypoints.
Version 1.13 Released 3/4/2011
Eliminate 2 defunct club trails – Southwest Winnipasaukee
Added Lake Crossing for Merrymeeting Lake
Added club trail loop north of Moose Mountain Lodge
Added club trail near Burrows Trail
Refined Corridor 22 precision
Delete 3 closed trails in Lyme
Add new trail Northeast of Lary Pond
Added several club trails in Stewartstown
Added Primary 146 and 147 reroutes in Pittsburg
Added club trail west of Newfound lake
Refined C19 Approximate North of Ossipee Lake
Added two trails into Maine off of C19
Added Alton Mountain Trail
Added Patrick’s Pub and lake crossing from Gilford’s beach to Loon Cove
Added Gilford Fuel waypoint
Added Primary 302 and 304 southeast Winnipasaukee
Added Airport trail to Patrick’s Pub
Added Belknap MT trail
Added Round Pond Shortcut
Added waypoint and Trail to Gillford Fuel
Added Trail to Belmont
Extend Corridor 26 South to intersect with P351
Added Club Trail off of C22
Maine bumped to V1.5
Added Club Trail between PT8 and PS12
Refined ITS 85/86 northeast out of Greenville
Added Club trail to the Black Frog
Refined Moosehead trail and several club trails in the area
Added Moosehead Motel and connecting trail
Added several club trails around Jackman Maine
Added club trail and ice crossing over Long Pond
Special thanks to Brad K., John P, Peter K., Nigel C., David M., David B. and Chris C. for track contributions and mapping assistance..
Version 1.12 Released 1/1/2011
Maine bumped to V1.4
Added 89 Alt
Added Black Fly loop
Added Burnt Jacket Mountain club trails
Added Carabasset trail south of Flagstaff lake.
Corrected ITS 82 approximation in Mexico Rumford.
ITS 83 in East Millinocket refined
ITS 84 & 115 in Salem refined
Refined ITS 85 east of Lake Matagamon
Refined ITS 88 Northeast of Long Pond between ST15 and ST21
Added club trail south of ST19
Added club trail between ST20 and St21
Added connector trail between ITS 89 and ITS87 north of ST11
Refined ITS 117 between FN9 and OD3
Refined TPS 112 between Ps16 and PT11 North of Millinocket Lake
Indicate Ice crossings on Katadin Loop Trail
Added Hay Mountain Lookout Trail west of Hay Lake
Added Lyman Loop in Waterboro
Added ME Roadhouse Trail East or FN 17
Added in town trail to services in Mexico
Added Oquossoc connector east of OD5 north or Rangeley
Added ITS 89 approximation between Rangeley and Eustis
Corrected ITS 89 between FN3 and FN1
Indicated RR bed on trail to Jay south of FN3
Added Trail to Bunganut Lake in Alfred
New Hampshire bumped to V1.12
Added Primary 200 in Tuftonboro
Added several club trails in Wolfeboro
Added lake crossing for Lake Wentworth
Added Club trail Baker River south of BR 1
Added club trail north of Lyme Pinnacale 3 (LP3)
Added club trail between LP 9 and LP5
Added club trail along Primary 153 between LP 9 and LP11
Add club trails south of Warner Covered Bridge
Refined Ice crossing on C15 in Moultonboro.
Added Trial to Ice Rink parking in Moultonboro.
Lake crossing Hopkinton Resevoir added
Added Lake crossing Kanasta Lake and Crossing Squam
Add trails from Wilton Center (US route 101) To Contoocook Lake in Jaffrey
Added and refined several SnowMole and Winchester Trail Riders club trails
Added gas and food in the SnowMoles and Winchester systems.
Added Winchester Trail Riders Club house.
Indicate closed club trail in Winchester Trail Riders system.
Indicated closed section of Corridor 4 south of US route 101 in Keene
Added GPSed Primary 351 from Middletown to Farmington (PMSC/EVSC)
Special thanks to Dave D. for the extensive ME contributions and refinements. Thanks to Brad K., and Denny T., Rob (skully), John P,and Peter K. for NH contributions.
Version 1.11 Released 2/20/2010
New installation file name – SnowTr_NH.exe.
Corrected trail type for lake crossing west of Wolfeboro
Zoom level reduced for cell towers to reduce clutter.
Default trails changed from 5 colors to Blue/Cyan Wide.
Corrected position of Buck Rub Pub.
Cell towers zoom level changed to reduce clutter.
Numerous trail name corrections on Stinson mountain trails.
Wolfeboro railroad tracks added (Corridor 26),
Two gas stations in Wolfeboro added.
Added Wakefield Diner In Sanbornton.
Rerouted Corridor 17 in Gilmanton.
Rerouted Corridor 22 west of Crystal Lake.
Rerouted Club RT R.
Added Lake trail to Wellington, Newfound Lake.
Added Primary 151 west of Newfound Lake and several unnamed club trails.
Added Primary 345 south of Newfound Lake.
Added several club trails waypoints for gas and food photo POIs around Moose Mountain.
New trails around Hwy 11 and Route 16 south of Alton Bay.
Several trails added around Lisbon & Monroe.
Thanks to customers Chris C, John P, Nigel C, and Peter K. Some of your changes will be in V1.12.
Version 1.10 Released 2/10/2010
Trail name corrections and Trail additions to Stinson Mountain Area.
Added Primary 154 in Lyme.
Removal of some trail duplications.
Change zoom levels at which some trail labels appear to reduce clutter.
Thanks to customer Chris.
Version 1.9 Released 1/29/2010
Improved installation program can copy map image and POI files direct to GPS or sd cards.
Added POI file for Nuvi type units with some photos and proximity alarms.
Added start menu icon linking to Online Snowmobile Trip Planner Help file.
Added start menu icon linking to Online Snowmobile Trip Planner .(Google-Earth & Google Maps)
Added POI and map point for SOS clubhouse.
Refined Corridor 17 from Bear Brook to Barnstead based on precise rider track logs.
Refined corridor 22 and secondary trails around Alton, Gilmanton Iron Works and New Durham.
Refined trails between Moose Mountain and SOS clubhouse in the Ossipee Mountains area.
Refinements to corridor 15 as it crosses by Castle in the Clouds.
Added several club trails and junction waypoints in the Gilmanton area.
Added refinements to several club trails in Alton.
Replaced approximated Corridor trail 15 with high resolution trail between Gilmanton and Meredith Bay.
Refinements to corridor trails between Alton and Ossipee.
Added a dozen local SVSR Club trails around Pittsfield, Chichester, Loudon, Barnstead.
Cleaned up trails in Bear Brook and Tower Hill, added parking and fuel poi’s and map points.
Added several named club trails in Alton, and around Moose Mountain
Added several trail segments in the Gorham Berlin area including Cherry Mt. &Jefferson Notch road.
Added several named club trails around Stinson Mt area, and Lincoln.
Refined Corridor 15 in Moultonborough based on rider track logs.
Added several unnamed club trails in Freedom.
Added several club trails in Campton, Rumney, Ellsworth.
Trail refinements and additions in Littleton and Franconia & Baker River
Special thanks to customers Doug and John for their track log contributions and assistance.
Version 1.8 Released 1/6/2010
Changed Icons and names for Cell Towers so they can be seen and searched on the GPS.
Corrected problems with custom colors Blue Cyan Double, and Red Pattern for secondary trails.
Version 1.7 Released 12/28/2010
Added State border.
Added Bear Notch Road with north and south parking areas . (Early season riding)
Added all NH Cell Towers (searchable, and visible at higher zoom levels)
Replaced approximate corridor 5 trail (From Haverhill to Littleton) with dead-on rider track log.
Added several smaller club trails in the area of Asquamchumauke Valley, Baker River Valley, MT Cardigan, Rumney Snowdrifters, Lyme Pinnacle, and Hardy Country Snowmobile Clubs. Many detailed POI’s for intersections there.
Corrected some confusing poi names. (e.g. Restaurant named 31-Jan-08)
Version 1.6 Released 11/11/2009
Added extensive trail corrections to the Berlin (WMRR) and Groveton trails.
Added trail correction and several new waypoints for gas and food to the area around Boscawen. Added several trails in the southwestern part of NH south to the MA border. Many of these trails were provided by user supplied tracklogs and do not contain trail numbers. Special thanks to BackwoodsGPStrails customers Skully and friends.
NHsnowTr_06.exe installs Garmin\gmapsupp.img to the computers directory tree. This file can be copied to a sd card or to a Nuvi’s internal storage. This eliminates the absolute requirement to have MapSource. Updated helpfiles to describe copying files to a Nuvi if you do not have MapSource.
Version 1.5 Released 12/4/2008
The installation script now has the ability to select custom colors
Dark Blue – Cyan – Wide Dark Blue – Cyan – Thin
Version 1.4 Released 3/4/2008
Added trail between Concord and Contoocook based on user track logs.
Added trails in Warner / Henniker area and Mount Kearsarge.
Added local trails around Alton Bay and reroute corridor 22 in that area.
Reroute corridor trail 4 based on track logs.
Substantial corrections of corridor trail 11 from Berlin through Twin MT and Franconia notch. Reroute 14 into Lincoln base on user track logs
Varied zoom levels for trail numbers to improve readability, reduce clutter.
Use of new map tools. Help file added with recommendations for making tracklogs.
Added Several 911 intersection waypoints for northern NH.
Version 1.2 Released 1/28/2008
Added trails around Newfound Lake and Squam.
Removed long trail name labels.
Corrected several (8,15,14,11) corridor trails on the west side of Lake Winnipesaukee
Version 1.1a Released 1/4/2008
Changed levels in Pv file,L0=15 L1=14
Version 1.1 Released 12/30/2007
Added copyright statement as a visible map point.
Added waypoints as map points visible at zoom level 2 (should eliminate the need for GDB waypoints file).
Removed some trail names as labels.
All snowmobile trail maps
Added phone, website URL’s and address (where available) for all Lodging, Restaurant and many Fuel POI’s
Many new POI’s added, and outdated ones removed.
Note: not all GPS models can display this information for map icons. Most GPS model can display it from WHERE TO? – EXTRAS – CUSTOM POIs.
OsmAnd on Android maps can display it from a clicked map point by using the SHOW Description button.
Clicking on sections of the show description text can open a phone number in your dialer, or open a website. (Internet access required)
This additional data can be useful for checking a website for menu items, lodging rates, or to call ahead to make reservations and verify open status.
Add Northeast Carry Road trail North or North Bay
Many major and minor trail updates
Many major and minor trail updates
Added one lake crossing NY to VT over Lake Champlain
New Hampshire
Many major and minor trail updates
Added Stone Warming hut at Stinson Mountain trail system
Updates to Moultonborough Club trail system.
New York
Many major and minor trail updates
Added one lake crossing NY to VT over Lake Champlain
Osmand on Android NH ME VT
.obf vector files have been updated for new description information and trails, but SQLITE raster maps not yet updated.
SQLITE raster maps will be updated in a few days. This page will be updated.
Free Online SledMap.
Not yet updated, will be in a few days. This page will be updated
Version 1.47 – Released
Added border crossings into Quebec
Refine ITS 92
Split more trails to improve announcements at trail intersections.
New Hampshire
Added border crossings into Quebec
Indicate reopening of C22 in Ossipee
Refine some trails in Coos
Split more trails to improve announcements at trail intersections.
Added border crossings into Quebec
Added several POI’s in Derby
Trail refinements in Derby
Add several small club trails in NEK
Initial release of Quebec Snow trail map for Garmin, and NH ME VT NY QC snowmobile trail map for Garmin.
Removed outdated help files from the windows installer program.
Re-organization of custom POI files by State/Province.
POI’s limited to purchased States/Provinces.
Thanks to Norman B. for validation tracks.
OsmAnd on Android
Note: Availability or routing trail map for OsmAnd on Android will be announced here a a later time.
Version 1.46 – Released 12/15/2015
Add east-west trail north of Kezar Lake Maine.
Refine ITS 80 North or Stearns Pond.
Added Hawk Mountain Trail and scenic overlook.
Added Highland Lake crossing and Highland Lake Resort.
Added Several South Bridgeton Trails and Lake Crossings.
Add several trails around Damariscotta Lake.
Refine ITS 15, 115
Many club trail refinements and additions.
Added Miss Wakefield Diner POI.
Added 7 Lakes – Lakes Run Trail.
Added Woodman NH Gas and Restaurant POIs.
Refine 19, alt 19 and several club trails in Conway NH.
Trail name refinements Twin Mountain NH.
Added Cascade Alpine Scenic Waterfall POI and trail in Berlin NH.
Closure of the Groveton Covered Bridge.
Added legal offtrail (ATV) trails in Jericho State Park.
Added Wolfboro Dock Access Trail
Added Mount Major Trail, Scenic outlook
Refine 22 in Alton
Refine and add trails in Pawtuckaway State Park.
Add P399
Added Corridor 91 and services trail and POIs in Bradford VT.
Add several POIs and club level trails.
Reroute C12
Add 9F East of Harriman Reservoir
Reroute 8 Guilford
Add several Guilford Pitstoppers club trails.
Reroute C30 East of Lake Bomoseen
Add C31 approximated.
Add 30~ around Lake St. Catherine Golf Course
Add Herrick Mountain trail.
Add several Poultney Snowdevils trails.
Refine C7 in Healdville.
Add several secondary trails.
Add several POIs for food, parking and lodging.
Osmand Maps RELEASED on 1/4/2016
Thanks to Bill P., Randy V., Glenn M.
Version 1.45 – Released 4/3/2015
Reroute ME ITS 90, 112
Refine ITS83A 85, 83-90,105, 79, 81, 100, 100A, 94, 81-85
Connect NH 19 and 22 in Ossipee, Remove inaccessible gas.
Trail name refinements.
Thanks to James S., Tom M., Chris C., Jeff W., Aaron S., Jim L., Mike D., Norman B., Randy V.
Version 1.44 – Released 4/6/2015
Refine and rename club trails around Millinocket Maine
ITS 89 reroute
Added Otisfield Trail Blazers Club trails
Refine NH C6 around Lake Horace
Added Club trails north and south of Bow Lake
Added Lakes run between Lee NH and West Nottingham.
NH C17 reroutes and refinements
Thanks to Jeff W., Chris C., Doug D.
The routing trail map for OSMAND was updated to V44 on 3/6/2015.
Version 1.43 – Released 2/27/2015
Corridor 24 Reroute in Boscawen
NH 126 Reroute
Refine NH C5, C2 in Cannan
Refine C11 in Jefferson Notch, north or Plymouth and through Franconia Notch
Refine NH P155 Ellsworth
Refine some Twin Mountain Trails
Added many Gas and Food stops in NY.
Added several club trails south of Sebago Lake Maine.
Add nice club trail east of Millinocket, Refined ITS 83 and added gas in East Millinocket.
Added club trail east of Matagamon Wilderness
No VT changes.
Thanks to Norman B., James S., Chris C., Mike D.,
Version 1.42 – Released 2/27/2015
Added new NH Southern New Hampshire Snow Slickers Trail (SNSS)
Refine ME ITS 81 north of Grand Falls Plantation
Resolution refinements to ITS 83, 84, and 104
Refinements and reroute for logging, NH Nash Stream area.
Added East Cowen Hill Trail in Pittsburg.
Minor trail refinements in NY, added several Food and Gas POIs.
VT and NH – add names to several covered bridge attractions.
Added and refined trails Around Pawtuckaway Lake and Great Bay in NH
Refine and Reroute ME 105 in Linneus ME
Added several club trails around Presque Isle
Reroute 83 Bypass trail
Added Several Club trails in ME, the Country
Added Island Falls town trail and Gas stop
Refine ITS 83
Thanks to Norman B., Mike D. , John R. , John A.
Version 1.41 – Released 2/8/2015
Refine C13 and club trails in Hollis and Brookline NH
Add several small club trails in Wilton NH
Refinements or Rindge, Marlborough, Dublin NH trails
Refinements Around Sebago ME, added Hancock Road trail and ice crossing of Hancock Lake .
Refined C80 curves on power lines northeast of Kezar Lake.
Refinements Around NH Bear Brook state Park and Barnstead and Loudon
OamAnd maps are still at V39. Update will be announced here when V41 is available.
Thanks to Brad K. , Norman B. for track contributions and corrections.
Version 1.40 – Released 1/22/2015
Added Interstate Crossing between Monroe NH and McIndees Falls VT
Added VT 159F
Added several isolated VT trails out past the Big lake
Added several VT restaurant POIs
Closure of club trail off NH C17 in Barnstead
Created more meaningful and memorable names on many unnamed NH Club Trails
Added Gas in NH Pittsfield on US28
Add ME trails north east of Sebago
Added several miles of ME offtrail north of Flagtaff Lake
Added some more memorable trail names in ME
Added ME Acadia National Park trail system
Added new NH Shatley Mountain Connector trail in the ‘Burg
Added Saco ME club trails
Removed Bridges from POI file – reworking display
Created NY Trail map with 10887 miles of trails!
Thanks to Brad K., James S., John P., Chris C. and Doug D. for tracks and assistance.
Version 1.39 – Released 11/26/2015
Update Custom POI file to differentiate snowmobile and ATV POIs.
Add VT C125
Extend 12F2 to Bridgewater and added several other Bridgewater Trails
Add VT Woodford SnowBusters Club Trails
Added VT 2F2 in Lunenburg
Added Lunenburg VT to Whitefield NH crossing
Added a couple minor trails on NH and ME
Added support for Automatic Interstate Routing!
Direct install to GPS now includes free integrated NE Topographical map
Note: Direct copy maps to GPS main drive does not work on newer GPS models that store the maps in the /Map folder instead of the /Garmin folder. It does work to any micro-sd drive.
Version 1.39 Released 11/26/2015
Update Custom POI file to differentiate snowmobile and ATV POIs.
Add VT C125
Extend 12F2 to Bridgewater and added several other Bridgewater Trails
Add VT Woodford SnowBusters Club Trails
Added VT 2F2 in Lunenburg
Added Lunenburg VT to Whitefield NH crossing
Added a couple minor trails on NH and ME
Added support for Automatic Interstate Routing!
Direct install to GPS now includes free integrated NE Topographical map
Note: Direct copy maps to GPS main drive does not work on newer GPS models that store the maps in the /Map folder instead of the /Garmin folder. It does work to any micro-sd drive.
OsmAnd map has not been updated as yet. This notification will be updated when it is available.
Version 1.38 Released 3/21/2014
Added Club Trails around Moose Pond ME
Refined ITS 80 West of Kezar Lake
Added some trails near Evans Notch, Bethel and Rumford ME.
Added Eagle Cliff Trail at Stinson Mountain, designate Annie’s trail as off-trail.
Refinements to C5, P120 in NH.
Add several hundred miles in VT.
Reroute ITS 80 near Little Moose Pond.
Added several NH and ME club Trails, map points.
Thanks to Chris C., Norman B., Michael D., Doug P. for mapping assistance.
Version 1.37 Released 3/6/2014
Added several hundred miles in western VT
Added Quill Mountain scenic view point and trail in ME
Corrected trail names and numbers around Rangeley and Eustis ME
ITS 89 reroutes
Added several ME club Trails
Reroute ITS 85-86 off of Scammon road in Greenville.
Major updates to custom POI file. Added new POIs for NH and VT and ME
Added all intersections to VT map.
Added all cell tower POIs to VT.
Added all snowmobile bridges NH ME VT.
Automate creation of Custom POI file so it is automatically updated.
The NH ME VT Snowmobile trail map for OsmAnd was also updated 3/10/2014 to V1.37 as well.
Thanks to Dave D., John A., Doug P. , Chris A. for their help and suggestions.
Version 1.36 Released 2/21/2014
Add more trail miles in VT
Added club trails from Bridgton to Naples, Long Lake and north
Added Cabot’s Lodge in Lancaster.
Minor Reroute and refinements of NH C17 and in Barnstead
Added local access club trails and ice crossing Ashuelot Lake NH.
NH P392 P393 P386 P380 C5 refinements
Add club trails around Lake Sunapee NH
SVSR Trail names added. C17 Reroute.
Thanks to Norman B., Doug P., Glenn R., Arnie P., John P., Mike M. for track logs and mapping assistance.
Version 1.35 Released 2/15/2014
Add Railroad bed trail between Fryeburg and Sebago Lake in ME and several local club trails.
Added and refined trails around Mt. Kearsarge NH.
Refined several corridor trails routes in Northern NH.
Added trails around Square Pond.
Refinements around primary 361 in NH.
Add powerline trails and refine C4 southwest of Mount Moosilauke NH.
Refinements around the Dams in Hopkinton NH.
Refine NH 5 between Cannan and Grantham.
Reroute 110 connector across Lake Parlin ME.
Refine 117 curves in Mexico ME, add gas stop.
Reroute 117 and 84 in south of Rangeley Lake.
Added some off-trail south or Rangeley.
Add a few trails in southeastern VT.
Special thanks to Woody R., Norman B., Mike D., Jens-Achim F., Jon A., Scott G. and Scott S. for track logs and mapping assistance.
Version 1.34 Released 2/4/2014
Added trails in Granville Vermont
Corrected ITS 89 around Toothaker Pond. Added 10B club trail.
Added hundreds of additional miles in West Central Vermont.
Minor Re-routes of ITS 83, and addition of some club trails around Island Falls ME.
Reroute 84-89 east of Rangeley Lake.
Added several Club trails and POI’s south of Flagstaff Lake
Reroute ITS 83 East of Sherman.
Major reroute of ITS 85 and 85A south out of Matagamon.
Thanks to Scott S., Dave D, Tom B., Dennis K..
Version 1.33 Released 1/29/2014
Added club trails around Moose Pond and Sebago Lake Maine.
Added several hundred miles in Vermont.
Thanks to Norman B., Doug P., Kevin J., Peter J., James M., Arnie P., Linda B., and Jim M. for track logs and assistance.
Version 1.32 Released 1/22/2014
Added Pittsburg NH off-trail Magalloway Mountain Roads and fire tower goat path.
Added new Pittsburg Coon Brook Bog Club trail. (112 extension)
Resolution refinements around Berlin NH.
Minor Refinements around Baker River trails.
Hundreds of miles of trails added to the VT.
Corrected Corridor 11 routing west of Newfound Lake.
Several minor refinements of trails in NH and additional on-trail services.
Trail refinements around Allenstown and Milton NH.
Added some Club Trails north of Ossippee Lake NH.
Special Thanks to Brad K., Nigel C., Pemigewassett groomers, Doug P., Pat T, Charles R, and several clubs and riders from VT who contributed tracks and guidance.
Version 1.31 Released 1/6/2014
Several hundreds of miles of additional trails added to Vermont, heading west and south of the NEK.
Many refinements and corrections to trails in the Vermont NEK.
Added some off-trail play areas in Pittsburg NH. Ride at your own risk and obey all signs.
Added many miles of off-trail routes in northwestern Maine.
Several additional club trails added around Rangeley Maine.
Minor corridor reroute in Oquossoc Maine.
Some minor reroutes in Mid-state NH.
Special thanks for help from Dave B., John P, Sean M. and Dave G.
Note: the Osmand Maps for Android have not yet been updated to V1.31 yet. Hopefully in a couple days.
Version 1.30 Released 11/1/2013
Short reroute of NH C24 in Hardy Country Trails. Change some off-trail to club trails.
Add several trail names to Hardy Country trails
Small changes and additions in NH Cardigan Lyme Area
Clarify NH 138 140
Added several Club Trails and waypoints Belgrade Lakes ME
Added club trails in Bridgeton Maine
Thanks to Chris C.
Version 1.29 Released 3/23/2013
Refinements in Caribou and Presque Isle ME
Refine ME 83B
Add Club Trail 75 East of Scopan Lake
Add club trail east of 70A
Add part of Club 81A
Refine ITS 85, 92
Add several miles of ME offtrail loops
Mark NH P155
Thanks to Ryan A., Chris C.
Version 1.28 Released 3/15/2013
NH added trail to gas south of the Louden Race track.
Add NH Sunrise Lake Trail
Short reroute of NH C17 in Snow-shakers system.
Short NH C22 Reroute east of Manning Lake
Changed trail number from C153 to C156 Warren to Woodstock. NHSA map is wrong.
Add Donkey Hill Cutoff trail at Stinson Mountain.
Add several NH Gas stops and parking areas.
Refine P204
Refine NH 110, C19, C22 C17, P156 Powdergreen Trails.
Check for map updates comes to this page.
Restore colors for offtrail (orange) and ice crossings (red/white pattern)
Added several offtrail logging roads in Success.
ME – fix routing disconnect between 74 and 105, refine both
Major reroute of ME ITS 81 south or Presque Isle.
Refine ME 88
Changed default map color to 5 Color Thin. Night mode of this is high contrast Cyan color.
Thanks to John P., Dave D., Chris C., Ryan A/
Version 1.27 Released 3/1/2013
Add Kelloway Trail and Brad’s bypass in western ME
Refine 84-89 east of Rangeley Lake
Added some club trails in NH and ME
Reroute C11 in NH Hardy Country and wind generator trail changes
Add trail to Gas at Newfound Lake.
Add NH border cut extreme off-trail path – Riding may trigger drone strikes
Refine NH 12 southwest of Success
New ice crossing Merrymeeting Lake.
Reroute 15 and 15A in Glimington
C17 reroute around pond southeast or Barnstead
NH C15~ refined based on aerial photos, west and south of the speedway.
Added “the cut” offtrail northernmost NH.
Reroute Catamount trail south of Barnstead NH.
Major map points begin display at resolution 21 in MapSource.
Thanks to Brad K., Chris C., John P.
Version 1.26 Released 2/21/2013
Refine NH 12
Refine some Jericho trails
Refine 19 and 19A South of Jericho
Added some off-trail in Pittsburg East.
Added Bee Hole Beaver Club trails in Chichester
Refine 15 north of Chichester, and 360 southeast
Add C6 power line trail in Dunbarton NH
Refine C11 along power lines in Dunbarton and Goffstown
Refine C8 railroad tracks
Refine C2 in Lebanon
Reroute 134 over Dixville Peak
Refine ME route 66
89 Reroute west of Webb Lake
115 – 83 naming corrections
89 refinements
87 refinement
Refine 82
Several ME trail number corrections
Add some offtrail loops north of Flagstaff Lake
Thanks to Chris C. and Dave D., Jon A., John P.
Version 1.25 Released 2/15/2013
Revert all VT secondary trails to Primary trails
Properly name VT corridor trail 1
Some cleanup of NH 19 along the ME border.
Rename 83 to 80 on Me NH Border to correspond to ITS 1012 map
Corrected several truncated NH map point map names
Eliminated C and P prefix to NH Corridor and Primary trails
~ symbol next to trail name or number indicates approximated trail
Reroute NH C12
Corrected trail number for NH P300 near Franklin.
Increase ME 85-86 resolution
Increase ME 81 resolution
Increase resolution ME 90 through Caribou
Refine ME 105, 83A thru Presque Isle
Add off-trail ~ to B52 Crash site
85 Reroute
Add 86
Refine 62A, 112
Repair couple trail disconnects near Presque Isle ME
Thanks to Rick F., Ryan A. for Corrections.
Version 1.24 Released 2/1/2013
Route Avoidance for all off-trail, Check FERRY AVOIDANCE
Refine ME 88
Refine resolution of ME Route 66
Refine ME 85-86 north of First Roach Pond
Refined the Katahdin Loop Trail at Moosehead Lake
Refined ME 122.
Refined ME Matagamon trail
Add ME Club trail west of Lunksoos Lake
89 Refinement.
87 Reroute south of Long Pond
Add one offtrail loop at Parlin Pond.
Corrected and refined 89 southwest of Sebago Lake.
Refine Quill Pond Connector.
Extend VT 100 from LE 11 to Edens Country Junction
Refine VT 102, 102A, 102F
Special thanks to Brad K., John P., Jon A.
Version 1.23 Released 1/23/2013
Route Avoidance for all off-trail, Check FERRY AVOIDANCE
Reroute or 105 northwest of Norton VT
Correct 5 west of Lake Willoughby VT
Refine NH C21A West Stewartstown
Refine NH C3A
Added several gas restaurant pub repair and scenic outlooks.
Refine VT 114 and 114A
Refine 5 and C2-5 east of Darling State Park.
Added VT 14A~ south west or Newport.
Added VT 14 south of Derby Lake.
Added Derby Gas and Cow Palace restaurant.
Refine VT 135.
Corrected VT 52 in East Burke
Refine 54A.
ME – resolution refinements around Coburn Mountain and 87 Southeast of Parlin Pond.
Refine resolution on ME 89 east of Coburn Mountain.
Added some irresistible off-trail loops south of Coburn Mountain.
Added some off-trail loops west of Parlin Pond.
Refine resolution of 84 southeast of Bingham ME.
Added off-trail cross lakes ride in the Allagash wilderness to the Locomotives at Eagle Lake,
Add new Parmechenee Connector trail at Bosebuck
Corrected 84.
Refine NH C12, C19, C19A thru Berlin
Special thanks to Ken K.
Version 1.22 Released 1/3/2013
Added some off trail loops and trails in Pittsburg NH
Added Magalloway Bowl trail and map point, Pittsburg NH.
Refined off trail routes in north west Maine
Refine switchbacks of Castle in the Clouds Trails
Refine C15 South of White Lake
Extensive trail additions to VT – Orleans County southwest of Memphremagog (thanks John P.)
Corrected VT 15 Rail in West Danville.
Resolution enhancements VT.
Corrected trail names of several trails previously labeled as “secondary”
Changed trail types for all VT trails to secondary type trails instead of all primary.
VT – Refined and renamed several Rail Trails including.
Added VT 127 Rail trail.
Special Thanks to John P., Brad K.
Version 1.21 Released 12/1/2013
Replace approximated 89 in southwest Maine to 10x resolution along power lines
Remove 101 Approximation southwest of Saint Stephen.
Refined 84 south of Big Lake.
Refine 103 south of West Grand Lake
Refine 84 south of Pocumcus Lake.
Refine 105 north of Sysladobsis Lake.
Refine 83 East of Cedar Lake.
Connect 111 and 83 at PT10.
Add 105 Northwest of Grand Lake.
Add 105~ West of Hodgdon.
Added 144~ north of Houlton.
Many Refinements to VT trail resolution and addition of several new trails.
Reroute C19 in Milan and indicate closed trails
Special thanks to Larry G., and Wayne G., James R.
Version 1.20 Released 11/1/2013
Too many refinements and improvements to list.
Version 1.19 Released 3/1/2012
Refine C13 and C6 in Bennington NH.
Refined P380 in Bradford NH.
Added P390 in New London NH.
Integrate State borders with all map variations.
Extend P105 in Twin Mountain.
Added railroad tracks trail in Lancaster NH,
Refinements in Nash Stream including C7.
Added scenic overlook trail in Baker River system.
Fine tune trail curves in Baker River NH using aerial photography.
Reroutes, renaming of trails and refinements in the Forks and Piston Farms ME.
Added Johnson Brook Road trail.
Name and refine Route 66 and Northeast Carry trails in ME.
Refine ITS 81 & 85.
Refine ITS 112 approximation.
Refined 114, 83A
Add Jericho Mountain Warming hut and Scenic View trail.
Refine C12 Berlin to ME.
Refine P114, P128 & Skyway Trail Near Errol NH.
Version 1.18 Released 2/23/2012
Add and refine many miles of trails in Maine.
Reroute and refine ITS 89 to the Canadian border.
Correct name of ITS 88 and refine.
Added Piston Farm Trail
Corrections to trail disconnects interfering with routing at Stinson MT NH.
Make Trail 142 in Pittsburg show up.
Added several club trails in Norway Maine.
Added Fox Glenn Trails in Maine.
Added Mexico Maine Connector Trails
Corrected several disconnected trails at Stinson Mountain and Pittsburg
Thanks to Dave D., Brad K., Chris C., Leon A. for their submissions of track logs and trail corrections.
Version 1.17 Released 2/15/2012
Trail refinements in Pittsburg. Add trail P 142 and a few club trails.
Fixed a couple of trail disconnects preventing routing in Pittsburg.
Fixed trail disconnect preventing routing in Stinson Mountain trails. One trail deletion, one reroute.
Added new club trails in Errol
Additions to gas stations in NH.
C19 reroute in Errol.
Refinement of ITS 87 in ME.
Version 1.16 Released 2/3/2012
Many trail additions and refinements to NH based on aerial photography.
Changed all states multi-numbered trail names from 6/15 style to 6&15 style so spoken directions speak the second number correctly. “C Six and fifteen”.
Corrections to several unconnected trail intersections in all states that blocked routing.
Make KTS intersections searchable.
Avoiding Ice Crossings by checking Toll Roads in V1.15 was broken. Fixed in V1.16
Version 1.15 Released 1/31/2012
Auto routing is now supported in Garmin MapSource and BaseCamp, as well as in your GPS. The routing trail maps can be combined with any non-routing map for download to your GPS. Use the routing tool to create custom routes, document your favorite trail loop or extended trips, and then download them to your GPS. There is now only a single version of all maps, and they all route. Using Mapsource, you can view a list of turn by turn directions, and calculate mileage along snowmobile trails. Occasionally you may see a route take an unexpected path, one that seems like the long way around. This is usually caused by a trail not being actually connected. Zoom in real close and see if you see a break in the trail line. Even a microscopic break will cause the route to be avoided. You can route over this manually for a short distance to complete the route. Simply create a new routing point just past where the line is broken Please mark the break location with a waypoint, save it in a .gpx file and email it to us. This will assist us in eliminating these hard to find defects. Interstate routing is not supported because the trails between states overlap but do not actually intersect. To plan an interstate ride, route to the state border, draw a small off-road route segment over the line break and then continue auto routing to destination. This can be done in your GPS or with MapSource.
For those wishing to use the routing trail map in conjunction with a routing highway map while driving, MapSource has a switch that allows you to disable download of routing data with the trail map. Look on the bottom left hand side of the screen when you have selected maps to download. You can still view the snowmobile trails while you are being routed by highway. A fun way to find out where trails are near the highways you drive!
The pink route indicator shows up better now below a trail. You may have to zoom in a bit closer if it is a very long route. Zoom in and out quickly to make it flash for a short time while the map is being redrawn. After a snowmobile route is calculated, you can shut off the snowmobile trail map and still see the pink route clearly all by itself. Once a snowmobile trail route is calculated, you can turn on routing highway maps to view them as you ride. You will still be routeed by snowmobile trail until you complete the route or stop routing. Turn off any routing highway maps before you calculate the next trail route, or it will route you by highway. Routes downloaded from MapSource, must be imported into your GPS using GPS commands. Consult your GPS documentation.
Added several trail reroutes due to logging operations in Pittsburg NH
Added specific club trails names and intersections to the KTS trail system..
Many trail refinements to Maine trails especially in the Rangely Lakes area.
Many trail refinements and additions throughout NH and ME due to use of higher resolution satellite and aerial photographs.
Help files in the kit updated to what is on the website, with some changes to reflect new functionality. More updates planned for the next release with a focus on using routing in MapSource.
MapSource Manage Map Products Version is now correct for each map.
State boundaries can now optionally be download to the GPS. useful for interstate routing.
Several types of map points, (gas, food, hotels) are automatically translated to searchable POI’s. They are organized as the defaults are for your GPS model, not in the same fashion as they are in the Custom POI tables.
New automation allows us to turn around trail changes very quickly. Send us your trail changes, names, POI’s etc and we will get them back to you in an updated map quickly.
Maps in Apple Macintosh format have been retired. Too much manual labor for too few sales. We will continue to support existing customers. New distribution of updates on micro-sd and swaps should allow Mac users to get updates
Special Thanks to Brad K., Leon A., Dick C., Paul D., Doug D. for submission of track logs, waypoints and guidance to correct and refine the trails on the map.
Version 1.14 Released 4/6/2011
This map update was free to all previous customers regardless of when the purchased their map.
Added autorouting version of New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont snowmobile trail maps that can be directly downloaded to GPS.
Use the Start -> ALL Programs->BackwoodsGPStrails->Snowmobile Trail Maps->Download autorouting Map to GPS windows command. (this is still available, but optional since all maps are routing).
Mac users. Please send email to rick@backwoodsGPstrails.com to get autorouting version for your GPS.
Added Haystack Mountain trail south of Stub Hill.
Added parking lot and access trail northeast of Happy Corners in Pittsburg.
Added Club Trail to White Horse Ledge and South Moat mountain near Echo Lake State Park (west of North Conway)
Added club trail east of US route 16 from Corridor 26 north towards Sanbornville.
Added Hillbilly Pub waypoint Conway Area.
Refined Corridor 19 North From Conway to Shelburne and restored reciprocal parts of the trail to NH map.
Added club trail between Corridor 11 and 5 in Jefferson south of US Route 2.
Added several waypoints for gas, and scenic views
Hillbilly Pub restaurant
J’s Corner restaurant Gorham
Jefferson Notch Motel
Mount Martha Lookout Tower
Waterwheel restaurant, US Route 2 Jefferson
Added Corridor 17 Reroute from Northwood Lake south to Corridor 6/15.
Refined Primary 360 crossing of Northwood Lake.
Refined Primary 171 crossing of Northwood Lake.
Refined Pawtuckaway Lake trail.
Added Trail to A Path Less Traveled Lodging connecting to P140.
Refined Primary 141 in Pittsburg.
Refined Corridor 20 in Pittsburg.
Added Trail to along US Route 3 to the Buck Rub Pub.
Added Ice Crossing – First Connecticut Lake.
Refined Primary 132 east of Diamond Pond.
Deleted defunct trail between Badger Lane and Cunningham Pond Road (KTS system).
Refined KTS trail 6A.
Thanks to Chris C., John P., Peter K., Dave D., and the Kearsarge Trail Snails for corrections and contributions of tracks logs and waypoints.
Version 1.13 Released 3/4/2011
Eliminate 2 defunct club trails – Southwest Winnipasaukee
Added Lake Crossing for Merrymeeting Lake
Added club trail loop north of Moose Mountain Lodge
Added club trail near Burrows Trail
Refined Corridor 22 precision
Delete 3 closed trails in Lyme
Add new trail Northeast of Lary Pond
Added several club trails in Stewartstown
Added Primary 146 and 147 reroutes in Pittsburg
Added club trail west of Newfound lake
Refined C19 Approximate North of Ossipee Lake
Added two trails into Maine off of C19
Added Alton Mountain Trail
Added Patrick’s Pub and lake crossing from Gilford’s beach to Loon Cove
Added Gilford Fuel waypoint
Added Primary 302 and 304 southeast Winnipasaukee
Added Airport trail to Patrick’s Pub
Added Belknap MT trail
Added Round Pond Shortcut
Added waypoint and Trail to Gillford Fuel
Added Trail to Belmont
Extend Corridor 26 South to intersect with P351
Added Club Trail off of C22
Maine bumped to V1.5
Added Club Trail between PT8 and PS12
Refined ITS 85/86 northeast out of Greenville
Added Club trail to the Black Frog
Refined Moosehead trail and several club trails in the area
Added Moosehead Motel and connecting trail
Added several club trails around Jackman Maine
Added club trail and ice crossing over Long Pond
Special thanks to Brad K., John P, Peter K., Nigel C., David M., David B. and Chris C. for track contributions and mapping assistance..
Version 1.12 Released 1/1/2011
Maine bumped to V1.4
Added 89 Alt
Added Black Fly loop
Added Burnt Jacket Mountain club trails
Added Carabasset trail south of Flagstaff lake.
Corrected ITS 82 approximation in Mexico Rumford.
ITS 83 in East Millinocket refined
ITS 84 & 115 in Salem refined
Refined ITS 85 east of Lake Matagamon
Refined ITS 88 Northeast of Long Pond between ST15 and ST21
Added club trail south of ST19
Added club trail between ST20 and St21
Added connector trail between ITS 89 and ITS87 north of ST11
Refined ITS 117 between FN9 and OD3
Refined TPS 112 between Ps16 and PT11 North of Millinocket Lake
Indicate Ice crossings on Katadin Loop Trail
Added Hay Mountain Lookout Trail west of Hay Lake
Added Lyman Loop in Waterboro
Added ME Roadhouse Trail East or FN 17
Added in town trail to services in Mexico
Added Oquossoc connector east of OD5 north or Rangeley
Added ITS 89 approximation between Rangeley and Eustis
Corrected ITS 89 between FN3 and FN1
Indicated RR bed on trail to Jay south of FN3
Added Trail to Bunganut Lake in Alfred
New Hampshire bumped to V1.12
Added Primary 200 in Tuftonboro
Added several club trails in Wolfeboro
Added lake crossing for Lake Wentworth
Added Club trail Baker River south of BR 1
Added club trail north of Lyme Pinnacale 3 (LP3)
Added club trail between LP 9 and LP5
Added club trail along Primary 153 between LP 9 and LP11
Add club trails south of Warner Covered Bridge
Refined Ice crossing on C15 in Moultonboro.
Added Trial to Ice Rink parking in Moultonboro.
Lake crossing Hopkinton Resevoir added
Added Lake crossing Kanasta Lake and Crossing Squam
Add trails from Wilton Center (US route 101) To Contoocook Lake in Jaffrey
Added and refined several SnowMole and Winchester Trail Riders club trails
Added gas and food in the SnowMoles and Winchester systems.
Added Winchester Trail Riders Club house.
Indicate closed club trail in Winchester Trail Riders system.
Indicated closed section of Corridor 4 south of US route 101 in Keene
Added GPSed Primary 351 from Middletown to Farmington (PMSC/EVSC)
Special thanks to Dave D. for the extensive ME contributions and refinements. Thanks to Brad K., and Denny T., Rob (skully), John P,and Peter K. for NH contributions.
Version 1.11 Released 2/20/2010
New installation file name – SnowTr_NH.exe.
Corrected trail type for lake crossing west of Wolfeboro
Zoom level reduced for cell towers to reduce clutter.
Default trails changed from 5 colors to Blue/Cyan Wide.
Corrected position of Buck Rub Pub.
Cell towers zoom level changed to reduce clutter.
Numerous trail name corrections on Stinson mountain trails.
Wolfeboro railroad tracks added (Corridor 26),
Two gas stations in Wolfeboro added.
Added Wakefield Diner In Sanbornton.
Rerouted Corridor 17 in Gilmanton.
Rerouted Corridor 22 west of Crystal Lake.
Rerouted Club RT R.
Added Lake trail to Wellington, Newfound Lake.
Added Primary 151 west of Newfound Lake and several unnamed club trails.
Added Primary 345 south of Newfound Lake.
Added several club trails waypoints for gas and food photo POIs around Moose Mountain.
New trails around Hwy 11 and Route 16 south of Alton Bay.
Several trails added around Lisbon & Monroe.
Thanks to customers Chris C, John P, Nigel C, and Peter K. Some of your changes will be in V1.12.
Version 1.10 Released 2/10/2010
Trail name corrections and Trail additions to Stinson Mountain Area.
Added Primary 154 in Lyme.
Removal of some trail duplications.
Change zoom levels at which some trail labels appear to reduce clutter.
Thanks to customer Chris.
Version 1.9 Released 1/29/2010
Improved installation program can copy map image and POI files direct to GPS or sd cards.
Added POI file for Nuvi type units with some photos and proximity alarms.
Added start menu icon linking to Online Snowmobile Trip Planner Help file.
Added start menu icon linking to Online Snowmobile Trip Planner .(Google-Earth & Google Maps)
Added POI and map point for SOS clubhouse.
Refined Corridor 17 from Bear Brook to Barnstead based on precise rider track logs.
Refined corridor 22 and secondary trails around Alton, Gilmanton Iron Works and New Durham.
Refined trails between Moose Mountain and SOS clubhouse in the Ossipee Mountains area.
Refinements to corridor 15 as it crosses by Castle in the Clouds.
Added several club trails and junction waypoints in the Gilmanton area.
Added refinements to several club trails in Alton.
Replaced approximated Corridor trail 15 with high resolution trail between Gilmanton and Meredith Bay.
Refinements to corridor trails between Alton and Ossipee.
Added a dozen local SVSR Club trails around Pittsfield, Chichester, Loudon, Barnstead.
Cleaned up trails in Bear Brook and Tower Hill, added parking and fuel poi’s and map points.
Added several named club trails in Alton, and around Moose Mountain
Added several trail segments in the Gorham Berlin area including Cherry Mt. &Jefferson Notch road.
Added several named club trails around Stinson Mt area, and Lincoln.
Refined Corridor 15 in Moultonborough based on rider track logs.
Added several unnamed club trails in Freedom.
Added several club trails in Campton, Rumney, Ellsworth.
Trail refinements and additions in Littleton and Franconia & Baker River
Special thanks to customers Doug and John for their track log contributions and assistance.
Version 1.8 Released 1/6/2010
Changed Icons and names for Cell Towers so they can be seen and searched on the GPS.
Corrected problems with custom colors Blue Cyan Double, and Red Pattern for secondary trails.
Version 1.7 Released 12/28/2010
Added State border.
Added Bear Notch Road with north and south parking areas . (Early season riding)
Added all NH Cell Towers (searchable, and visible at higher zoom levels)
Replaced approximate corridor 5 trail (From Haverhill to Littleton) with dead-on rider track log.
Added several smaller club trails in the area of Asquamchumauke Valley, Baker River Valley, MT Cardigan, Rumney Snowdrifters, Lyme Pinnacle, and Hardy Country Snowmobile Clubs. Many detailed POI’s for intersections there.
Corrected some confusing poi names. (e.g. Restaurant named 31-Jan-08)
Version 1.6 Released 11/11/2009
Added extensive trail corrections to the Berlin (WMRR) and Groveton trails.
Added trail correction and several new waypoints for gas and food to the area around Boscawen. Added several trails in the southwestern part of NH south to the MA border. Many of these trails were provided by user supplied tracklogs and do not contain trail numbers. Special thanks to BackwoodsGPStrails customers Skully and friends.
NHsnowTr_06.exe installs Garmin\gmapsupp.img to the computers directory tree. This file can be copied to a sd card or to a Nuvi’s internal storage. This eliminates the absolute requirement to have MapSource. Updated helpfiles to describe copying files to a Nuvi if you do not have MapSource.
Version 1.5 Released 12/4/2008
The installation script now has the ability to select custom colors
Dark Blue – Cyan – Wide Dark Blue – Cyan – Thin
Version 1.4 Released 3/4/2008
Added trail between Concord and Contoocook based on user track logs.
Added trails in Warner / Henniker area and Mount Kearsarge.
Added local trails around Alton Bay and reroute corridor 22 in that area.
Reroute corridor trail 4 based on track logs.
Substantial corrections of corridor trail 11 from Berlin through Twin MT and Franconia notch. Reroute 14 into Lincoln base on user track logs
Varied zoom levels for trail numbers to improve readability, reduce clutter.
Use of new map tools. Help file added with recommendations for making tracklogs.
Added Several 911 intersection waypoints for northern NH.
Version 1.2 Released 1/28/2008
Added trails around Newfound Lake and Squam.
Removed long trail name labels.
Corrected several (8,15,14,11) corridor trails on the west side of Lake Winnipesaukee
Version 1.1a Released 1/4/2008
Changed levels in Pv file,L0=15 L1=14
Version 1.1 Released 12/30/2007
Added copyright statement as a visible map point.
Added waypoints as map points visible at zoom level 2 (should eliminate the need for GDB waypoints file).
Removed some trail names as labels.